Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Site and parasite

This site is probably one of the most challenging site we have ever had. It is the story bridge, given the fact that we are required to building on or around or under the bridge, it has become quite flexible but yet challenging. The point is, how are we going to build a building ON or hanging UNDER or sticking BESIDE the bridge? With the theme of "parasite".

Interesting is it not?

Given that we had done our site analysis, it was a site that was filled with tons of pedestrians before due to the floating bridge and the surroundings. Sadly, these has changed. The reason is because the floating bridge was damaged during the flood a while ago. But still, Story Bridge was still as busy as ever, than it came to my mind instead of having it under Story Bridge, would it not be a better idea if we had it not under, but hanging underneath? Or may be on? Or perhaps beside?

Here is a few example images of people imagining or making concepts of those ideas and "parasite":
Image Source: http://s639.photobucket.com/albums/uu111/JusticeAyye/?action=view&current=hensley-bridge.jpg&mediafilter=images

Image Source: http://www.architecture-view.com/2010/10/21/italian-highway-reuse-for-parasitic-city/

Image Source: http://www.dsgnwrld.com/prefab-parasite-by-lara-calder-architect-11166/parasite-prefab-lara-calder-architect-3/

Given that few ideas, I thought instead of just using one side, why not build on and beside and till under? But is was not possible due to our limitations. Hence I decided that I would build on and beside. Not to mention, our design has to be incorporated with our previous folie design. The concept I generated was something like this:

It may not look nice yet because it is just a concept, my plan is to explore this shape. Having multiple partitions around the area and than connect it with escalators covered with tinted glass, allowing full view of the city and the surroundings and at the same time being a parasite by hanging onto the bridge as life support.

Thinking about life support makes me think of parasitic plants. They basically hang onto each other for life, if the parasitic plant does not have a support it will not live.
Image Source: http://www.bio.tu-darmstadt.de/forschen/forschen_1/kaldenhoff/index.de.jsp

Also at the same time while researching about parasites, I came across a few parasites that actually were quite scary such as the "Jewel Wasp" and the "Cymothoa Exigua". The Cymothoa Exigua is a parasite that attaches itself to the tongue of the fish, replacing it. Although it replaces the tongue of the fish, it does not give any harm to it.
Image Source: http://blog.refractal.org/2009/09/17/my-other-tounge-is-a-cymothoa-exigua/
The next idea should be about incorporating the folie design(which I posted on in my previous posts) into this concept. But my plan is to develop this concept a bit further before I actually incorporate it.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Ninja Arithmetic

First things first, ninja arithmetic is actually arithmetic for buildings. Basically how people plus, minus, multiply and divide objects to make it look like an actual building. An example I will reference for you would be this.
image reference: http://architecture.myninjaplease.com/?cat=58

This is the KAUST Breakwater Beacon at Saudi Arabia by HOK. This might be how the world sees a project and how did the architect did it although it might not be the same. But I think it is actually quite interesting.

This is actually a blog that was introduced by our tutorial group's tutor, which is really interesting, this blogs gives out quiet a lot of inspiration and also ideas. One of my favorite part is the ninja arithmetic, if sort of gives me the idea: "if you are brain dead or out of inspirations, this is the way to do it, they way of the ninja!"

Of course they not only share the good things, they also share critics, such as Hodolphin Parks. This building definitely is a weird one, very literal without any meaning.

image reference:  http://architecture.myninjaplease.com/?cat=58

Indeed, it is a pencil sharpener minus a horse multiply tons of cash to build it. If you have no seen it, they even designed the eyes of the horse with light. This is actually a building proposed for Dubai and they will most likely build it.

After viewing more ninja arithmetic, I decided that I might use this technique to design my next assignment. Giving myself a chance to take up a new way of doing things, of course not ditching my previous ways. Who knows this would help me improve our working style? Nevertheless, exploring more ideas is always needed. But the main point for me in this ninja arithmetic is it's too fun, you could probably make anything out of anything. Even something like this is possible:

Image Reference: http://architecture.myninjaplease.com/?cat=58&paged=5

It's a donut plus lego, the solution is Science Centre and Aquarium in Hamburg's Hafencity. Anyone interested in seeing more ninja arithmetic, please visit http://www.architecture.myninjaplease.com and search under the "archjutsu > ninja arithmetic" section, have fun! Oh, by the way, this I made this just for fun but I will share it as well.